Usage Tips

Some tips about using MRPeasy:

  • Where to find help, working with data tables, saved searches, search wildcards and operators, exporting data, MO navigation, tasks sidebar, user interface preferences, system language, database backups and restoration, archiving old data, cleaning test data.

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Hi, in this video, we will give you some smart tips about working with MRPeasy.

First, in  MRPeasy you should be aware of where to look for finding answers to your questions.

The Quick Help gives detailed information about the page you currently are on.

The “Resources” page gathers all help materials into one place: commonly asked questions, our extremely detailed User Manual, a great number of demonstration and training videos and manuals for testing and implementation.

Also, at any time, you can write to our support team at “Settings – Support”.

In various tables, you can choose which columns are visible by clicking “Choose columns”. The columns can be rearranged by dragging with the mouse. Click on a column heading to sort the data and click a second time to switch between ascending and descending order.

Above each table, there may be various options:

You can search data in tables by entering the value in the corresponding column in the search bar.

Click the “Saved searches” to save a search or use a saved search.

You can also use wildcards and operators in the search bar.

The underscore sign can be used as a placeholder for any single symbol.

The percent sign can be used as a placeholder for multiple symbols.

Double “and” signs ignores the order of words.

Double vertical slashes find data that contains at least one of the words when searching by text.

You can easily export data from MRPeasy in CSV format. A CSV file can be opened by any spreadsheet program.

To do this, click the button “CSV”. If you have filtered the data before exporting, then you will have the filtered part of data in your CSV file.

Similarly, you can also export data to PDF files when you need to by using the “PDF” button.

If you have long Manufacturing Orders, you can use the “Page navigation” sidebar to quickly navigate your Manufacturing Order.

You can use the “Tasks” feature to create tasks and reminders for yourself or your co-workers.

You can even include several people, attach files and use the notes for comments and discussions.

When a new task is assigned or an existing task is updated, the Tasks button in the upper right corner starts to blink.

You can change your interface preferences for your user at “Settings System Settings Usability Settings”.

First, you can choose how the pages change with the sliding motion or instantly.

Second, if turned on, “dashboard as the homepage” displays the dashboard immediately after you sign in.

Third, you can choose the color scheme of your MRPeasy interface – the default is Nordic. You can change it to a Tropical scheme with bright colors.

The official language of MRPeasy is English. There are several other interface languages translated by our customers who have volunteered to help. If you wish, you can select a different interface language from the login screen or the home screen.

If you want to do a database rollback, use a database backup file, which you previously downloaded.

To get a database backup file, go to “Settings Database maintenance – Create a backup”.

 On the same page, you can upload a backup file to restore the previous state.

The MRPeasy software editions have various limits for actively used data in the system.

If you reach a limit, you can overcome the barrier by archiving old data.

One way to do so is to find your old items, which are not in active use any longer, and then “delete” them.

In fact, this will only take the item off active use. The item can still be found in the database by the part number.

To restore an archived item, search for it by number, open it and click the “Restore” button.

Also, it is possible to use bulk archiving functionality in “Settings -> Database maintenance –> section Archive” old data.

This action will also archive old customer, manufacturing and purchase orders among other objects.

Such orders get “Archived” and can only be found when searching by this status.

Whether you are testing or already ready to go live, you should know that there are several ways of cleaning your test data at the “Settings -> Database maintenance” section.

One option is to clear all data, so you can start entering everything from the very beginning.

Another option is to delete all orders and stock levels, if you are sure about your base setup: the items, vendors, BOMs, routings and workstations.

Thank you for watching! Please see our other videos for more about MRPeasy.

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